Mt. Bawangling (海南霸王岭)

Bawangling is located in Hainan Island, South China (18°52′-19°12′ N, 108°53′-109°20′ E). Bawangling covers one of the largest areas of tropical rain forests in China. It is ca. 500 km2 with an elevation range of ca. 100–1654 m a.s.l. The mean annual air temperature varies from 23.6°C (ca. 100 m a.s.l.) to 16.7°C (ca. 1400 m a.s.l.). The precipitation is seasonal distributed, with a rainy season between May to October and a dry season between November to April.


Topographic and climatic variations in Bawangling result in a vertical zonation of major forest types. The vegetation types in the Bawangling region from low to high altitudes are deciduous monsoon forest (0- 500 m a.s.l.), tropical lowland rain forest (0–700 m a.s.l), tropical conifers forest (500–700 m a.s.l), tropical montane rain forest (800–1300 m a.s.l), tropical montane evergreen forest (1200–1400 m a.s.l) and tropical dwarf forest (above 1300 m a.s.l).


The flora of Bawangling is very rich, harboring > 2,213 vascular plant species, belonging to 967 genera and 220 families.


Coming soon.

Research sites of BEST network

The elevational transect of our study spans ~1,200 m in elevation from 265 to 1,400 m and consists of 12 sites, each with a 20×20m permanent sampling plot, all in old growth forest. Within each plot, all woody stems with ≥ 1 cm DBH were tagged and identified to species. There were 4249 individuals with DBH ≥ 1 cm recorded, belonging to 369 woody plant species.

Principal Investigator

Yi Ding (丁易):

Lan Liu (刘兰):

Research Team:

  • Dr. Wenxing Long (Hainan University)

  • Xiaoran Wang (East China Normal University)

  • Jian Zhang (East China Normal University)

Selected Publications

  1. Ding, Y., Liu, G., Zang, R., Zhang, J., Lu, X., Huang, J., 2016. Distribution of vascular epiphytes along a tropical elevational gradient: disentangling abiotic and biotic determinants. Scientific Reports 6, 1-11.

  2. Ding, Y., Zang, R., Letcher, S.G., Liu, S., He, F., 2012. Disturbance regime changes the trait distribution, phylogenetic structure and community assembly of tropical rain forests. Oikos 121, 1263-1270.

  3. Ding, Y., Zang, R., Lu, X., Huang, J., Xu, Y., 2019. The effect of environmental filtering on variation in functional diversity along a tropical elevational gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science 30, 973-983.

  4. Long, W., Ding, Y., Zang, R., Yang, M., Chen, S., 2011. Environmental characteristics of tropical cloud forests in the rainy season in Bawangling National Nature Reserve on Hainan Island, South China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 35, 137-146.

Site Support

This site has been supported by:

  • Bawangling National Nature Reserve

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China

  • Hainan University

  • East China Normal University

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